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Father accuses Hasina of stalling Taqi murder trial

Rafiur Rabbi, father of Tanwir Muhammad Taqi, today renewed his call for a swift trial in his son’s murder case, which has remained unresolved for the past 11 and a half years.
Speaking at a rally, Rabbi, a cultural activist, accused former prime minister Sheikh Hasina of stalling the trial and said she should be held accountable.
He alleged that Taqi was tortured and killed on the orders of Shamim Osman, with the involvement of Osman’s son, nephew, and their associates.
The rally, organised under the banner of “Santras Nirmul Taqi Mancha” at the Shaheed Minar premises in Narayanganj city, drew various activists and supporters.
Expressing frustration with the slow judicial process, Rabbi said, “The Osman family has long been shielded by the Awami League government, which has now been overthrown by a mass uprising. The perpetrators must be brought to justice without further delay.”
He also called for restoration of the justice system, stating, “We want to see a judicial system that can deliver true justice.”
In addition to seeking justice for his son, Rabbi demanded accountability for other unsolved murders, including those of journalist couple Sagar-Runi, student Tanu, and others who were killed during the Awami League’s tenure.
Journalist Mahbubur Rahman Masum, poet Halim Azad, and former president of Khelaghar Asar, Rathin Chakrabarty, were among those who spoke at the event.
Seventeen-year-old Taqi went missing on March 6, 2013 after leaving his home on Shaistakhan Road for the Sudhijon Pathagar, a local library. His body was found the following day in the Shitalakhya River.
